
Technology at the service of agriculture

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Specific features of the agro-industry

Vision systems for agribusiness are used to automate and optimize a wide range of agricultural tasks, from crop monitoring to automated harvesting. Here are some key features of these systems:

  1. Precise detection and analysis: Vision systems in agribusiness use high-resolution cameras and specialized sensors to identify plant diseases, pest infestations and nutrient deficiencies. They can detect subtle variations in plant color, size or shape that are indicative of specific problems.
  2. Advanced image processing: Captured images are often processed using advanced computer vision algorithms to analyze and interpret the data. This can include classifying fruit according to maturity, detecting weeds among crops, or assessing vegetative density.
  3. Agricultural machinery guidance: Vision systems are essential for guiding agricultural machinery such as combines, autonomous tractors and harvesting robots. They enable precise field navigation and can optimize harvesting trajectories to maximize efficiency and reduce crop damage.
  4. Use in agricultural robotics: In agricultural robotics, vision systems are used to enable robots to perform specific tasks such as fruit picking, weeding, or targeted spraying of pesticides, by precisely identifying areas requiring treatment.
  5. Product quality inspection: In production and packaging lines, vision systems inspect agricultural products to ensure their quality. They check the size, shape, color and other characteristics of foodstuffs to sort and classify products in line with quality standards.
  6. Adaptability to outdoor conditions: Vision systems used outdoors in the field need to be robust and resistant to variable climatic conditions, such as light changes, rain, or extreme temperatures.
    Real-time analysis: The ability to analyze data in real time is essential for making rapid decisions in the field, for example, to adjust fertilization or irrigation plans according to observed conditions.
  7. Integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Vision systems in the agro-industry are often integrated with GIS to precisely map field characteristics and enable more efficient management of agricultural resources.

In short, vision systems for the agro-industry are designed to increase efficiency, improve product quality and optimize resources by automating tasks and providing valuable information for crop and farm management.

Nexvision's expertise

  • Computer vision / Image analysis and extensive Image Processing Library (2D/3D).
  • Vision system featuring HDR, SWIR, UV, EBCMOS, sCMOS technologies.
  • Image sensors board covering complete spectrum : UV, Visible, Night, VNIR, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR, Thermal, Thz.

Customers and completed projects

Design of an embedded vision system for a company specialising in precision agriculture.